pre-gessoed Masonite and gallery-wrapped canvas
pre-gessoed Masonite and gallery-wrapped canvas
CanvasSTRONG Canvases
What makes us special? Each panel is hand crafted and carefully reviewed by artist and builder, Lindsay Sebring, every step of the process.
1/8 inch double sided smooth finished masonite wood
Douglas furr pine 1x2 inch trim
Titebond Original wood-glue professional strength, interior use
Wood putty
White Acrylic Gesso Student and Professional Golden Brand
Framing pieces are cut to custom size as well as masonite board
The ends are cut at a 45 degree angle for piecing the joints together at a 90 degree
a corner clamp is used for perfection and woodglue is inserted between either piece for extra strength
the frame is then pin-nailed together for maximum security
the masonite is then centered on the frame with wood-glue and pin-nailed
the overhanging edges of masonite get routered off flush to the frame
pin-nailed holes are wood-puttied to match natural wood finish. (We do not wood stain or paint finishing material over raw wood)
Finishing Touches:
The entire front surface and sides of the framing are then sanded for a smooth finish
after the canvas is free of dust it is then gessoed with 3 to 5 layers and sanded again for a smooth and beautiful finished product